
Rachael Ferek



Rachael joined the Stick Tattoo team in August 2016 as our Co-Owner and the shop’s Operations Manager. With an extensive background in office management, organization and customer service, she was the perfect fit for the position. Rachael continues to help find new and improved ways to enhance the shop, from implementing our digital paperwork to overseeing merchandise. Additionally, she also manages our email and text reminders, as well as online and social media requests.

If you’re familiar with our team, you know that Rachael’s involvement and dedication go back to the very beginning of the shop’s existence. As the much, much better half of owner, Damian Ferek, Rachael has endured more conversations, brainstorming sessions, late night inventory “parties” and events over the years than anyone — including being woken up at 3 am for a ‘creative concept session’ that lead to opening Stick Tattoo.

As operations manager, Rachael helps oversee the organization, financial, and customer communication for the shop, all while juggling the artists’ rider list ensuring all Bounty paper towels, specific aftercare and green M&M’s are in stock. And do not let the smile or stature fool you, this gentle voice can turn into our shop pitbull for no-show appointments. So we recommend canceling at your own risk…

Originally from Fairmont, WV, Rachael enjoys spending time with her family including her beautiful daughter, amazing husband (who is writing this) and four dogs. She loves eating pizza, weekend getaways (usually on a quest for pizza in new areas) and binge watching hours upon hours of Sesame Street singalongs.

*For those reading this, if you are running late for your appointment, the best way to avoid the stare down is to show up bearing flowers…. who are we kidding–bring her a Dr. Pepper!

Email Rachael Ferek